On the table this week
WolfCrawl Menu for next week
No son-in-law for Henry
‘Then what will we do after supper?’
This week there has probably been a constant supply of game dishes coming out of the kitchen, for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a hundred variations, because our Henry and his buddies have been clearing the forests of game.
The only dish that is actually mentioned is the marrowbone pudding. I could have done without that.
But as we have to eat the last marzipan moon on the 12th Night1, so at least we have something sweet. Although it has tasted better in the past, the marzipan is quite bitter in 1539.
Henry is a little irritated that his new bride doesn't play music or dance. ‘Then what will we do after supper?’ 'Drink?' is Norfolk's suggestion, something they are used to in her home country, he says. Cromwell immediately intervenes and explains that the new bride only drinks her wine mixed with plenty of water. But well, she hasn't met Henry yet, maybe she'll reconsider about the mixing ratio.
Detail A stoneware ewer, a Berkemeyer and a conical glass in a bekerschroef, with confectionary in a silver platter, on a ledge by David Rijckaert (II), between 1607 and 1642
Marlinspike and the other cat
As always, Thurston is concerned about everyone's physical well-being, and a leopard is no exception. ‘Do you think it’s hungry?’, Thurston says. I mean, do you think it’s hungry this very minute?’ ‘It looks as if it would eat a priest’, Thurston says. He chuckles appreciatively. I think he might have someone very specific in mind.
Thurston thinks he has seen Marlinspike (and well supplied with a piece of rabbit to eat under his paw). And if you look closely at the painting below, you can see that Marlinspike has snuck in there too.
The Recognition of Philopoemen by Peter Paul Rubens and Frans Synders, c. 1609
Menu for next week
We WolfCrawlers have some tough weeks ahead of us. However, as the person who shall not be named said2, you need something in your stomach no matter what happens. So here's a hearty menu suggestion for week 49 to give us strength. In the following weeks, we will probably lose our appetite, only being able to eat light meals, if at all. Here's something to fortify us:
Cress Salad with slices of oranges, dressed with vinegar and olive oil
Roasted Piglet stuffed with chopped chicken, lardo, goat’s liver, minced feenel seeds, majoram, mint, ginger, butter, sugar, walnuts, hen’s eggs and some saffron
Spinach Tart flavoured with nutmeg and a splash of rosewater
Warden Pears roasted with spices, dried plums and Cheese from Suffolk
Still Life with Sweetmeats by Georg Flegel, c. 1636
No son-in-law for Henry
At least he has a son now, but it won't work out with a son-in-law in his lifetime (and if he knew who Mary later marries, he would probably freak out). In Philip, Duke of Palatinate-Neuburg, he would have had a very expensive son-in-law, as he was heavily in debt throughout his life and very fond of a lavish lifestyle.
Philipp, Duke of Palatinate-Neuburg by Barthel Beham, 1533
Likewise his older brother Ottheinrich. In 1536/1537, Ottheinrich set off on a journey3 to Polish relatives to raise money in an attempt to collect an old promissory bill. (He also tried to find a wife for Philipp on the trip, but that didn't work out). On the journey, he had watercolors made of the places he passed. These watercolors include very early and interesting depictions of Berlin and Prague.
Prague 1537
Berlin 1536
See Post Marzipan Moon
See Simon´s post this week, his name begins with K.
nice sighting of the feline there